Nonprofit Finance: Your Board Members Hate It. Help Them Love It.
Throughout my twenty-plus years in the nonprofit sector, I have encountered a lot of governing boards. I’ve served as a staff liaison to board committees, managed boards as an executive director, provided professional development consulting services to boards, and served on numerous nonprofit boards through my volunteer work out in the community. In each of […]
The Ever-Elusive Unrestricted Dollar
One of the biggest sources of stress and uncertainty in the nonprofit sector is ensuring sufficient funding to cover operational costs. Operational costs, or “overhead”, are all of the costs associated with keeping the doors open and the lights on in an organization: staff, equipment, supplies, rent, etc. The vast majority of nonprofit funding is […]
When Grant Funding is Problematic
Grant funding is often the primary source of operational and/or programmatic revenue for a nonprofit organization. Whether from government or non-governmental sources, grants are integral to a nonprofit’s survival. Executive directors and grant writing professionals can spend many hours researching and writing grants with varying degrees of success. For organizations that are just starting out […]