

business people shaking hands

In Nonprofit Business, Revenue Generation Begins with Five Questions

Customer acquisition and revenue generation are two issues that cause most business owners to have sleepless nights. Nonprofit businesses are no exception. The thing about nonprofits is, unlike for-profits...

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March is Social Work Month!

Hey there, friends! Did you know that March is Social Work Month? I know I know, it’s also Women’s History Month (yayyy for women!), but I figure since I celebrate women every day, I could be justified...

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What Does Nonprofit Sustainability Look Like?

I often hear community leaders and elected officials pontificating about the importance of a “strong, sustainable nonprofit sector” as a way to enhance overall community health. They talk about the...

Categories: Best Practices Nonprofit Governance Nonprofit Leadeship Nonprofit Management Strategic Planning No comment

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Five New Year’s Resolutions for the Nonprofit Leader

Happy 2023, friends in the nonprofit sector! If you’re anything like me…and pretty much everyone else on the planet…you’re working hard to step into the new year with intention. Whether you’ve...

Categories: Best Practices Nonprofit Leadeship Nonprofit Management Self-Care No comment

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Navigating Nonprofit Leadership…Without Losing Your Mind (Pt.1)

I absolutely adore the nonprofit sector. I love that it is mission-driven, service-oriented, and aimed at solving some of society’s biggest problems. I love the grassroots nature of many of these...

Categories: Nonprofit Leadeship Nonprofit Management No comment

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Let Your Policies Be Your Guide

Hey there, friends in the nonprofit sector! Today we’re going to talk a bit about your nonprofit board’s role in policy making, and I’ve got a few tips to offer about policies that every nonprofit...

Categories: Best Practices Nonprofit Governance No comment

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Nonprofit Finance: Your Board Members Hate It. Help Them Love It.

Throughout my twenty-plus years in the nonprofit sector, I have encountered a lot of governing boards. I’ve served as a staff liaison to board committees, managed boards as an executive director, provided...

Categories: Nonprofit Finance Nonprofit Governance No comment

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A Gentle Reminder About Governance…

I’ve taken too long of a break from writing, friends! Life and business sure have a way of taking over.   I’m excited to be in the middle of launching a new education series for nonprofits with my...

Categories: Best Practices Nonprofit Governance No comment

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Your Board Members Have Got to Go (eventually)…

I was talking to a friend the other day about his involvement with a local nonprofit organization. He proudly noted that he has been on this organization’s board of directors for over 20 years, and was...

Categories: Best Practices Board Development Nonprofit Governance No comment

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Anecdotes are Cute, but They Don’t Prove Success

I will never forget the first face-to-face meeting I had with a program officer at a major national grantmaking foundation. It was 2002 and I had flown to New York City with my boss for a three-day...

Categories: Best Practices Fundraising Program Evaluation No comment

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